Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA): A Comprehensive Guide

Milthon Lujan Monja

A graph of the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) process. Source: Dieter vandeun
A graph of the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) process. Source: Dieter vandeun

The Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a systematic approach used to identify potential failures in a product, process, or system and to assess the consequences of those failures. By prioritizing risks, FMEA helps organizations improve the reliability and safety of their operations.

The Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) method is widely used as a powerful reliability management tool to effectively evaluate and prevent risk issues that occur in all aspects of production, service, and transportation (Li et al., 2023). In this regard, this article delves into the complexities of FMEA, exploring its history, types, application in various industries including healthcare, its role in Six Sigma, and the tools and templates available for effective implementation.

What is Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)?

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), translated into Spanish as “análisis de modos de falla y efectos,” is a proactive tool used to assess potential failures in a system and their effects on overall performance. Originally developed in the aerospace industry in the 1940s, it has since been adopted in various industries due to its effectiveness in risk management.

Aguezzoul y Kaicer (2023) highlight that the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) model uses three factors: occurrence, non-detection, and severity. Meanwhile, Rohmah et al., (2024) emphasize that the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis identifies the causes of failures, evaluating their impact on product quality.

In essence, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) seeks to identify “failure modes,” which are the ways a process or product can fail, and “effects,” which are the consequences of those failures. The process consists of three main steps:

  1. Identify potential failure modes: Determine all possible ways a process could fail.
  2. Evaluate the effects of failures: Analyze the impact of each failure on the overall system.
  3. Prioritize failures based on risk: Use a scoring system to rank failures based on their severity, incidence, and detectability.

Despite FMEA’s strengths, Kadechkar y Grigoryan (2024) point out that the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) approach has shortcomings, such as assuming equal importance of factors and not adhering to the weighted order rule.

Types of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

FMEA is divided into two main types:

  • Design FMEA (DFMEA): Focuses on identifying potential failures in the design phase of a product.
  • Process FMEA (PFMEA): Concentrates on failures that could occur during manufacturing or operational processes.

Differences between DFMEA and PFMEA

While both DFMEA and PFMEA aim to identify and mitigate risks, they focus on different stages of the product lifecycle. DFMEA addresses risks arising during the design phase, whereas PFMEA tackles risks that occur during manufacturing or operational phases. Understanding the distinction between these two types of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is crucial for applying them effectively in your organization.

The Importance of FMEA in Risk Management

Implementing Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) in your organization can lead to significant improvements in product quality and safety, reducing the likelihood of costly failures. It is especially critical in industries where reliability and safety are paramount, such as healthcare, automotive, and aerospace.

In healthcare, for instance, FMEA analysis is used to anticipate and mitigate risks in patient care processes. This proactive approach ensures that potential errors are identified and addressed before they can cause harm.

FMEA in Six Sigma

FMEA analysis is a fundamental tool in Six Sigma methodologies, particularly within the “Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control” (DMAIC) framework. It is used during the “Analyze” phase to identify potential defects and prioritize them based on their risk to the process. This integration ensures that the most significant risks are addressed first, leading to more effective improvements.

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Fimahali y Sumiati (2023) employed Six Sigma and Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) in the quality analysis of bottled water products and demonstrated the importance of complementing both methodologies to reduce product defects.

Example of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

To illustrate how Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) works in practice, consider a simple example from the automotive industry:

  • Process: Manufacturing car brakes.
  • Failure Mode: Brake pads wear out prematurely.
  • Effect: Reduced braking efficiency, leading to potential accidents.
  • Risk Priority Number (RPN): Determined by multiplying the severity, occurrence, and detection scores.
  • Actions: Implement better materials or quality controls to prevent premature wear.

This example highlights how FMEA can be used to identify critical risks and implement solutions to mitigate them.

Tools and Software for FMEA

Several software tools are available to facilitate the FMEA process. These tools streamline data collection, analysis, and reporting, making it easier to conduct comprehensive risk assessments. Some popular Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) software tools include:

  • APIS IQ-RM PRO: Known for its advanced capabilities in managing complex FMEA projects.
  • Siemens PLM Software: Offers robust Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) functionalities integrated with product lifecycle management (PLM).
  • ReliaSoft’s Xfmea: Provides comprehensive support for FMEA, including templates and reporting features.

Using these tools can significantly reduce the time and effort required to perform FMEA while ensuring consistency and accuracy in the analysis.

Creating an Effective FMEA Worksheet

A Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) worksheet is the primary document used to record all steps of the FMEA process. It generally includes columns to list potential failure modes, their effects, causes, and the Risk Priority Number (RPN). A well-structured Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) worksheet helps document and systematically review all potential risks, making it easier to identify areas for improvement. In Annex 01, you can find a template as an example.

FMEA Templates and Worksheets

To ensure consistency and efficiency in conducting FMEA, many organizations use standardized templates and worksheets. These templates provide a structured format for documenting each step of the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) process, from identifying failure modes to determining appropriate corrective actions. The templates are available in various formats, including Excel and specialized FMEA software, allowing teams to choose the option that best suits their needs.

FMEA in Healthcare

In the healthcare industry, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is crucial for improving patient safety. For example, it can be applied to processes such as medication administration or surgical procedures to identify potential errors and their impacts. By doing so, healthcare providers can implement preventive measures, reducing the risk of adverse events.

A notable application of FMEA in healthcare is its use in developing protocols for administering high-risk medications. By analyzing the potential failure modes associated with these medications, possible errors and their impacts can be identified. In this regard, Anjalee et al., (2021) reviewed the application of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) to improve medication safety in the medication use process and concluded that FMEA was an effective group activity for identifying system errors, although it was time-consuming and subjective.

By associating with these medications, healthcare providers can create more robust procedures, reducing the chances of dosage errors or adverse reactions.

Implementing FMEA: Best Practices

Successfully implementing FMEA in your organization requires careful planning and execution. Here are some best practices to ensure that your Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) process is effective:

  • Assemble a cross-functional team: Involve experts from different departments to gain a comprehensive understanding of potential risks.
  • Periodically update FMEA: FMEA is not a one-time exercise. It should be updated periodically to reflect changes in the process or design.
  • Use historical data: Leverage data from previous failures to inform your Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) process, ensuring that known risks are addressed.
  • Prioritize high-risk issues: Focus first on the most critical risks to ensure that your efforts have the greatest impact.
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Examples of FMEA in Different Industries

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is widely used in various industries, each with its unique challenges and requirements. Here’s how FMEA is applied in some key sectors:

  • Automotive: In the automotive industry, FMEA is used to ensure vehicle safety and reliability. It helps identify potential defects in design and manufacturing processes that could lead to product recalls. Aized et al., (2020) used Failure Mode and Effects Analysis to analyze and reduce the risks of 42 potential failures that can occur in car leaf springs and recommend actions for a Risk Priority Number (RPN) greater than 250 to increase product quality and reliability.
  • Aerospace: Given the high stakes in the aerospace industry, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a fundamental tool for identifying potential failures that could impact aircraft safety. Shah et al., (2024) reports the effective implementation of Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (DFMEA) to skillfully identify and mitigate design risks in an aerospace industry company.
  • Manufacturing: FMEA in manufacturing focuses on improving the reliability of production processes, reducing downtime, and minimizing defects. Jiang et al., (2023) proposes a dynamic Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) method for in-service CNC machine tools and introduces operational and maintenance data into traditional failure risk analysis to systematically integrate semantic criteria and a data-based method, resulting in better performance in quantitative assessment and dynamic failure risk ranking.
  • Healthcare: As mentioned earlier, FMEA is used to improve patient safety by identifying and mitigating risks in medical processes and procedures. Aguezzoul and Kaicer (2023) highlight that Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is one of the most widely used risk assessment methods in the healthcare sector.

The Future of FMEA Analysis

As industries continue to evolve, so does the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) process. Advances in technology, such as the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, are set to revolutionize how FMEA is conducted. These technologies can automate parts of the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) process, making it faster and more accurate.

For example, AI-powered tools can analyze large datasets to identify patterns and predict potential failure modes that may not be immediately apparent to human analysts. This can lead to more proactive risk management and greater product reliability.

Filz et al., (2021) presented a data-driven Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) methodology using deep learning models on historical and operational data from the use phase of industrial capital goods. The study results show that failure prediction accuracy is around 95%. Meanwhile, Thomas (2023) reported the use of ChatGPT to quickly generate and evaluate failure modes for various components and systems, identifying potential consequences and recommending mitigation strategies, and noted that the process significantly reduced the time and cost of the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) process while increasing the accuracy and thoroughness of the results.


Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a powerful tool for identifying and mitigating risks in a wide range of industries. Whether you are involved in manufacturing, healthcare, or any other sector where reliability and safety are paramount, implementing FMEA can help you improve your processes and products.

By understanding the different types of FMEA, using the right tools and templates, and following best practices, you can ensure that your Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) efforts are effective and efficient. As technology continues to advance, FMEA’s role will become increasingly integral to risk management and successful product development.

The future of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is promising, with new tools and methodologies making it easier than ever to anticipate and prevent failures before they occur. By staying informed about these developments and continuously refining your FMEA process, you can keep your organization at the forefront of quality and safety.

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This comprehensive guide has provided you with a solid foundation in Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), from its history and types to practical examples and tools. Whether you are new to FMEA or looking to improve your existing processes, the insights shared here will help you make the most of this essential risk management tool.


Aguezzoul, A., & Kaicer, M. (2023). Improving the quality of hospital sterilization process using failure modes and effects analysis, fuzzy logic, and machine learning: Experience in tertiary dental centre. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 35(4).

Aized T, Ahmad M, Jamal MH, Mahmood A, Ubaid ur Rehman S, Srai JS. Automotive leaf spring design and manufacturing process improvement using failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA). International Journal of Engineering Business Management. 2020;12. doi:10.1177/1847979020942438

Anjalee, J. A., Rutter, V., & Samaranayake, N. R. (2021). Application of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) to improve medication safety: A systematic review. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 97(1145), 168-174.

Filz, M., Langner, J. E. B., Herrmann, C., & Thiede, S. (2021). Data-driven failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) to enhance maintenance planning. Computers in Industry, 129, 103451.

Fimahali, A. Y., & Sumiati, S. (2023). Analysis of the Quality of Bottled Drinking Water Products through a Six Sigma Approach and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA): (Case Studies: PT XYZ). Journal of Applied Science, Engineering, Technology, and Education, 5(1), 73-82.

Jiang, S., Liu, Z., & Chen, J. (2023, May). A dynamic failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) method for CNC machine tool in service. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 2483, No. 1, p. 012047). IOP Publishing.

Kadechkar, A., & Grigoryan, H. (2024, May). FMEA 2.0: Machine Learning Applications in Smart Microgrid Risk Assessment. In 2024 12th International Conference on Smart Grid (icSmartGrid) (pp. 629-635). IEEE.

Li, Y., Liu, P. & Wu, X. Failure mode and effect analysis approach considering risk attitude of dynamic reference point cumulative prospect theory in uncertainty contexts. Artif Intell Rev 56, 14557–14604 (2023).

Rohmah, S. L., Alvionita, V., Nainggolan, L. F., & Mulyadi, W. (2024, August). Evaluation of Production Risks Using The Six Sigma Method and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) in Quality Control at PT Busana Indah Global. In International Conference on Economic, Management and Accounting (ICEMAC 2023) (pp. 97-117). Atlantis Press.

Shah, A., Shea, R., & Siskowski, B. (2024). Ensuring Zero Defects Through Effective Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Processes in the Aerospace Industry (No. 2024-26-0410). SAE Technical Paper.

Thomas, D. (2023). Revolutionizing failure modes and effects analysis with ChatGPT: Unleashing the power of AI language models. Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 23(3), 911-913.

Annex 01: FMEA Worksheet

1. General Information

  • Project Name:
  • Team:
  • Date:
  • Process/Product Analyzed:
  • Reviewed by:

2. FMEA Analysis Table

No.Function/ProcessPotential Failure ModePotential Effect(s) of FailureSeverity (S)Potential Cause(s) of FailureOccurrence (O)Current ControlsDetection (D)Risk Priority Number (RPN = S x O x D)Recommended ActionsResponsibleImplementation DatePost-Action Results (S, O, D, RPN)

3. Instructions for Completing the FMEA Worksheet

  1. Function/Process: Describe the specific function or process being analyzed.
  2. Potential Failure Mode: Indicate how the function or process could fail.
  3. Potential Effect(s) of Failure: Describe the consequences of the failure on the process, product, or customer.
  4. Severity (S): Assign a value (1-10) for the severity of the failure effect. 10 represents the highest severity.
  5. Potential Cause(s) of Failure: Identify the possible causes that could lead to the failure mode.
  6. Occurrence (O): Assign a value (1-10) for the likelihood of the cause occurring. 10 represents the highest likelihood.
  7. Current Controls: List the existing controls that can detect or prevent the failure.
  8. Detection (D): Assign a value (1-10) for the ability of the controls to detect the failure before it occurs. 10 represents the lowest detection capability.
  9. Risk Priority Number (RPN): Calculate the risk priority number by multiplying severity, occurrence, and detection (RPN = S x O x D).
  10. Recommended Actions: Propose actions to reduce the RPN.
  11. Responsible: Assign a team member responsible for implementing the recommended actions.
  12. Implementation Date: Set a deadline for implementing the actions.
  13. Post-Action Results: Once actions are implemented, reassess S, O, and D to calculate the new RPN.

This worksheet can be customized according to the specific needs of the project.