
Agile Methodologies: Definition, Manifesto, Principles, SCRUM, Kanban

Milthon Lujan Monja

Agile Methodologies have become a buzzword in the business world, promising increased productivity, faster delivery, and higher customer satisfaction. But ...

Enfoque de economía circular

What is Circular Economy?

Milthon Lujan Monja

Circular economy approach. Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Guía para elegir un método de valoración de la propiedad intelectual. Fuente: Cavalcanti et al., (2023); Revista De Gestão E Secretariado, 14(10), 18864–18888.

How to Value Intellectual Property in Companies

Milthon Lujan Monja

Guide to choosing an intellectual property valuation method. Source: Cavalcanti et al., (2023); Revista De Gestão E Secretariado, 14(10), 18864–18888.

Inteligencia Artificial para las empresas. Imagen de sujin soman en Pixabay

Artificial Intelligence for Innovation in Companies

Milthon Lujan Monja

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become one of the most transformative technologies of recent years, reshaping industries and revolutionizing the way ...

Los diferentes niveles de un sistema ciberfísico se integran entre sí para recopilar datos en tiempo real del mundo físico y construir un ciberespacio. Fuente: Tushar et al., (2023); IEEE Access, 11, 9799-9834.

What Are Cyber Physical Systems?: A Complete Guide

Milthon Lujan Monja

Different levels of a cyber-physical system are integrated with each other to collect real-time data from the physical world and build a cyberspace. Source: Tushar et al., (2023); IEEE Access, 11, 9799-9834.

Mecanismo por el cual el optimismo afecta la innovación y la productividad y presenta las hipótesis. Fuente: Mahn et al., (2024); Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 9(4), 100565

The optimism drives productivity and innovation in countries

Milthon Lujan Monja

Mechanism by which optimism affects innovation and productivity. Source: Mahn et al., (2024); Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 9(4), 100565.

Diagrama del Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Fuente: Pan et al., (2022); Sustainability 14, no. 18: 11430.

Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) to analyze failures in systems or components

Milthon Lujan Monja

Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) Diagram, Source: Pan et al., (2022); Sustainability 14, no. 18: 11430.

Un gráfico del proceso Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA). Source: Dieter vandeun

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA): A Comprehensive Guide

Milthon Lujan Monja

A graph of the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) process. Source: Dieter vandeun