
Bodystorming en una sala de pacientes simulada de la UCI con miembros del equipo, cama, monitores y otros equipos. Los médicos y el paciente comparten información en una mesa auxiliar sobre la cama. Foto: David Franusich. Fuente: Ishida et al., (2023); ACSA 110th Annual Meeting.

Bodystorming: Exploring the Power of Design in Motion

Milthon Lujan Monja

Bodystorming in a simulated ICU patient room with team members, bed, monitors, and other equipment. Clinicans and patient share information on an overbed sidetable. Photo: David Franusich. Source: Ishida et al., (2023); ACSA 110th Annual Meeting.

Design thinking

Design Thinking: Definition, Uses, Principles, and Steps

Milthon Lujan Monja

Design thinking. Photo by Hal Gatewood in Unsplash

Modelo de negocio

Business Models: Definition, Types, and Examples

Milthon Lujan Monja

Business Models. Photo by Felipe Furtado on Unsplash

Empresaria en su hogar. Cortesía: Nenad Stojkovic.

Can a scientific approach help businesswomen overcome limitations when marketing their ideas?

Milthon Lujan Monja

Business woman at home. Courtesy: Nenad Stojkovic.

Growth hacking como herramienta para fomentar el crecimiento en las empresas.

What is Growth Hacking? Definition and Examples

Milthon Lujan Monja

Growth Hacking has become the answer to your company's lack of growth. Photo by path digital on Unsplash

Education for Entrepreneurship: A Disconnect Between Theory and Practice

Milthon Lujan Monja

Main success factors by geographical locations. Source: Sevilla-Bernardo et al., (2024); Humanit Soc Sci Commun 11, 1404.

Recreación del dispositivo experimental al que sometió a los participantes. Fuente: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

The Domino Effect: How Our Relationships Affect the Adoption of Innovations

Milthon Lujan Monja

Recreation of the experimental device to which the participants were subjected. Source: Polytechnic University of Madrid.

El emprendimiento social es una importante alternativa para abordar los problemas sociales. Elaborado con CANVA IA.

Social Entrepreneurship: Definition, Characteristics, and Types

Milthon Lujan Monja

Social entrepreneurship is an important alternative to address social problems. Created with CANVA AI.